Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Playing The Real Estate Game - The Offer Phase

Today I want to talk about making offers. I often think I should devise a game to teach people how to make offers. I'm not talking about negotiating, just making a plan old, vanilla, down and dirty offer.

Real estate can be a trying business at times. Especially at times like these. With tons of foreclosures on the markets and agents fielding calls from every nare-do-well on the block asking inane questions and basically wasting their time, it's tough to get anyone to accept your REAL offer to purchase a property.

Right now I'm playing the real estate game in the offer phase in hopes that I'll get to up the stakes and get into the negotiation phase. But first I have to get somone to take me seriously.

I've had several conversations with 'duty' agents who promise to call me back but the promise is never kept. I call the office to try and locate the listing agent but they will not accept any calls and will only deal with other licensed agents. Highly FRUSTRATING!

So what do we do? We play the game, and trust me, it is a game. Here's how the game works. Sometimes you are just dealing with inept agents or agencies that make their money off maintaining the listing. They can care less if the property sells, they make a fee to maintain the property.

Other times you are dealing with agents that see opportunity in a particular piece of real estate and they want to squelch offers on the property so that they can buy it for themselves at a future date. Unethical? You bet! Do they care, NO!

So it's a game and I understand the rules. So here's what I do. First, I'm tenacious! I bully, cajole, call-call-call and then call again. I'm relentless, I've got nothing better to do all day than to try and get my offer presented on this property.

I'm calling to gather information. I want to see the inside, I want to know the taxes, the MLS or FMLS number. I want details.

Once I've gathered the details, I call MY agent. I always teach that investors should use an agent. You should have a Team of Trusted Advisers and high on the team list should be a Realtor. Notice I said a Realtor, not just a licensed agent.

So the rules that the listing agent gave me were that they only deal with agents. Fine, I've got one! And she's tenacious just like me! If she feels like I'm offering to high, she gives me a cross look and shakes her head. Okay then, what? Lower! How low? Well, how about 50% of the asking price! LOL You go girl!

I'm playing the game. Now instead of being frustrated, I'm the one doing the frustrating. I'm winning, offers are being accepted. I'm playing the offer phase! When I win this phase of the game its on to the next phase, The Negotiation Phase. Stay tuned........

Michael Gross is the President of Dividend America Mortgage and has been in real estate for over 20 years. He has been a builder, a Realtor, an appraiser, and currently he is a lender and an active real estate investor. He uses all of his experience and knowledge to show individuals how to properly use a mortgage as a tool to help create greater wealth through real estate investing. For more information on residential and small commercial loans please call 770-350-7373 or email mgross@dividendamerica.com

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