Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ding Dong Your Debt is Calling!

Ding Dong is the universal written symbol for a doorbell. It's also the universally understood name for someone that isn't quite right in the head ....if you know what I mean.

Will, I'm not afraid to admit it, I've been a Ding Dong more times in my life than I care to remember! :) But I don't have to be that person any more, at least where debt is concerned, and I'm helping others shake that moniker as well.

Listen to this story: A client, we'll call him Bob Smith, comes into my office. Old Bob has a ton of credit card debt and the minimum payments have been climbing lately. The credit card companies are lowering the available credit, raising the interest rate and increasing the minimum monthly payment!

So Bob comes to me for a solution, what can he do? Well first he can use some of the equity in his home to pay off the credit card debts. We turn his 6.5% 30 year fixed rate mortgage into a 5.375% 30 year fixed rate mortgage. The debt consolidation saves him almost $700 per month!
Good right? Yes, but it gets better. Next we tell Bob he still has a problem. You see, the equity in the home was a safety net and we need to get that back as quickly as possible. We show Bob how to use a portion of the payment savings to build his equity back up rapidly.

With our software we run a scenario using his regular income and the $500 in payment savings as discretionary income. The program tells Bob how to pay his bills and if he follows the instructions Bob will pay off his new 30 year mortgage in just 8.5 years!

It gets better. You know that equity we used up paying off those credit cards? He gets that back in 2.75 years! Bob's life is changed and he's DEBT FREE in just 8.5 years.

Ding Dong your debt is calling! and it doesn't have very nice things to say. Do you want to know how to tell your debt to take a hike? Give me a call, interest rates are low, low, low and with our special debt repayment software we can have you debt free in no time!

Michael Gross is President of Dividend America Mortgage. He has been a builder, a Realtor and a real estate appraiser. He uses all of his expertise to show others how they can use a mortgage to create wealth through home ownership and now he's helping people get out of debt in 1/3 to 1/2 the time. Contact Michael at 770-350-7373 or mgross@dividendamerica.com.

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