Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Its the Economy Stupid

After a fairly frustrating week of hyper active rate fluctuations I collapsed on Saturday, tired, worried and spent. Interest rates are at their lowest level in years yet nobody is willing to pull the trigger on a refi to lower their rate.

Housing prices are at their lowest level in years and no one is willing to make an offer to buy. Rents are rising, foreclosures are rising and the only good news is gas prices are falling. So what's the problem. It's this economy!

I remember talking about this day way back in December 2007. Back then I said we were in a recession and back then everyone, including my wife, just about clobbered me saying I didn't know what I was talking about.

But as it turns out, this stupid hick with a high school education from the southside of Atlanta was right! http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/US-Q3-GDP-down-05/story.aspx?guid=%7B282E197A%2DAE1C%2D47AE%2DB0EB%2D7C9F6C8C951F%7D
As reported on MarketWatch.com, a division of The Wall Street Journal; " Economists now say that a recession began December 2007..." Boo-ya! Sorry for the glee, but I love it when I'm right.

So why my glee? Not just because I'm right, but because business is cyclical. Once business and government realizes and admits that there is a problem, solutions begin to happen. We've been through a tough year and may have a little longer to go, but ultimately our economy will turn around.

Between now and the summer of 2009 we will hit true bottom. After that the economy should begin a slow rise out of the doldrums. We should remember our history. Other than The Great Depressiona, no other ecomomic downturn has lasted more than a couple of years including the huge recession at the end of the Carter administration.

So after some thoughtful introspection I've come to a realization. It's the economy stupid, that's why business is slow and that's why people make some of the poor economic decisions they make. But the smart players, the ones who don't let fear guide their decisions, will be happy that they refinanced their homes and made offers and bought new property for their portfolios during these scary times.

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