Thursday, March 5, 2009

Roller Coasters and The Ride

Remember those really great roller coaster rides you experienced as a child? After zooming around several twist and turns and being jerked from side to side, your cart would slow as it approached the really large hill.

You hear the chu-chunk of the hook as it locks onto your cart and then you experience a slight jerk as you are pulled reluctantly forward. Clink-clank, clink-clank; you here the ‘song of the chains’ as they grown to pull the weight.

It’s just the carts, you and 50 others behind you, anxiously awaiting what comes next. The exhilaration, the anxiety …your breathing is no longer rhythmic but comes in big gulps of air and wind. Sweat on your temple as you near the top!

You can’t see over the edge, you feel as if you are dangling in space with nothing but this flimsy bar strapped across your thigh. You notice a loose bolt and the bar jiggles. You think, oh my, that’s not good!

Suspended in time, animated at the top, you wait. And then it happens. You roll over the precipice and you are staring straight down! Sky above and earth below! God I hope this thing has breaks or a parachute is the only thought rushing through your head!

Before you know it your flying, heart racing, down, down, and down, faster and faster! Everyone’s screaming bloody terror, a few fools have their hands in the air, you hang on to the bar for dear life praying that the loose bolt doesn’t unscrew any further!

Then you are at the bottom! Whew, everything levels out. You are still moving faster than the speed of light and you are still being jerked from side to side but you know the ‘ride’ is almost over! There is hope! Whew!

That’s how I felt the first time I ever rode the Scream Machine at Six Flags Over Georgia. I’m sure everyone has experienced their own Scream Machine in their own town and hopefully my description evoked the same sensational memories I have.

I give you this experience as an example of what has happened in the real estate industry. We’ve heard the cha-chunk, we’ve experienced the ringing clink-clank and we’ve endured the precipitous fall to our inevitable doom!

But now we are in the jerky part of the ride. It’s still a little scary, we have some more hills to climb and fall from and we have a few more harrowing hair pin turns to endure, but the end is near.

If you are an investor you should be prepared. Get ready so that when the cart pulls into the station you can hit the ground running. There are new rules and if you can figure out what they are and prepare yourself to operate in the new environment the opportunity will abound.

Stay tuned for what the new rules are, changes are coming fast and furious again. But this time it will be for the good.

Michael Gross is the President of Dividend America Mortgage and has been in real estate for over 20 years. He has been a builder, a Realtor, an appraiser, and currently he is a lender and an active real estate investor. He uses all of his experience and knowledge to show individuals how to properly use a mortgage as a tool to help create greater wealth through real estate investing. For more information on residential and small commercial loans please call 770-350-7373 or email

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