Tuesday, March 24, 2009

5 Reasons To Buy NOW

Recently I read a great article on MarketWatch written by Amy Hoak. http://tinyurl.com/dx9wjb She believes that the signs are right and buying now may be a very smart decision.

The reason that a lot of people are choosing not to buy right now is because of all bad news in the media. However, it is exactly times like that the people need to break away from the pack and buck the trend.

Warren Buffet says that when markets are greedy he is cautious but when markets are cautious, he is greedy! In a nut shell, the housing market is very cautious right now, you should be greedy.

Amy’s article goes on to point out 5 reasons why you should buy a home right now!

1. Affordability – Home prices are now at 1999 levels! That’s a huge discount and since the profit I real estate is generally made when you buy, now is the time.

2. Large Inventory – There are many homes to choose from, pick the one you want and name your price! More than likely, it’ll be yours.

3. Builders Discounts – Builders have finally figured it out. Shedding the dead weight is the only way to get cash flowing and business moving again. And their giving huge discounts to move those empty houses.

4. Low Interest Rates – Interest rates on residential mortgages haven’t been this low since the early 50’s! If you miss this move, it will likely be another 5+ decades before you see them this low again.

5. Federal Tax Credit – While this doesn’t affect investors directly, it can in the future. The last time we had a housing slump it was this exact credit that helped pull the country out of it.

The bottom line is that now is a good time to buy. Using a buy and hold strategy could mean huge windfalls when the economy turns around so get out there and make some offers. Now is the time!

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