Thursday, February 12, 2009

Window of Opportunity

Americans are receiving an opportunity we haven't seen in over 30 years! That opportunity exists today, right now!

Like many Americans I was taught that saving was important but I never really 'got it' until now. We all thought that Social Security would be there for us. Many government officials have also touted the virtues of Medicare and Medicaid to take care of us when we are older.

The Nanny State ....This utopia that would save us all and give us comfortable lives has been tried elsewhere in the world. France, Spain, Italy and to a greater extent the former Soviet Union. Guess what? It DOES NOT work.

Look at our current economic situation. It was caused by many things but the main cause is to much spending. Now look at our politicians, many who either have been in Washington for a very, very long time or who embrace the tired old thinking of their traditional 'party' lines.

While I truly believe that more government and more spending are NOT the answer to our current economic problems, there is an opportunity in all of this! That opportunity is the lower interest rates.

These lower rates give all of us the opportunity to consolidate debt. These lower rates give people the opportunity to change 30 year debt to 15 year debt or take 15 year debt and accelerate the principle reduction to pay it off in 10 years.

Debt repayment and becoming debt free is the opportunity that exists before us today. That opportunity will not exist for long! All the money the government is printing and bonds that are being sold to fund the huge omnibus spending packages will eventually cause higher inflation and higher interest rates.

Your window of opportunity is now. And whether I sound like Paul Revere or the The Little Boy That Cried Wolf! is not important. This window of opportunity to change your life and your families future is what is important.

I look at Washington and see the boondoggle. I see a government that constantly believes that spending is good and that getting us to spend is the way out of this mess. I say NO! The way out of this mess is savings, debt repayment and a taxation system like the Fair Tax that promotes a society that spends responsibly and saves, saves, saves.

We will come out of this recession. We are Americans so we will find a way to thrive. And whether the next economy is a growth economy or a further sinking recession, if you take advantage of this window of opportunity it won't matter to you. You'll be prepared for both!

So take my advice (for whatever that is worth...LOL) and make a decision soon! Choose to save, lower your interest rates, consolidate debt or shorten the term to pay off your debt, even if that means you have to roll in a few points to get that really great rate! In 5-10 years, you'll be glad you did!

Michael Gross is the President of Dividend America Mortgage. He has been a Realtor, a builder, an appraiser and has been a consultant in the field of Real Estate to Fortune 500 Companies. Today he uses all of his experience to help home owners and investors get the best rates and the right mortgage for every situation. Call Mike at 770-350-7373 or email him at

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