Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fannie Changes The Rules Again!

Confused by all the rules and regulations coming out of banks these days? Well here's on piece of news that makes a lot of since!

But this time it's a good thing! If you are a real estate investor specializing in residential you are getting ready to receive relief!

Many residential real estate investors have had their businesses stalled because of Fannie's 4 financed properties rule. But the game is changing, on March 1st Fannie Mae will start allowing investors to have up to 10 financed properties.

As always, the devil is in the details. Here's a short list of what you need to know.

1. You must have a 720 or higher credit score.

2. This is a Full Doc loan - be prepared to prove income.

3. 75% Loan To Value for rate and term refinance on Single Family but only 70% on Multi Family.

4. You can cash out SFR but only up to 70% and only after 6 months to 1 year seasoning.

5. Here's the kicker - You must prove cash reserves of 6 months PITI on the property being financed plus an additional 6 months PITI for all other investment properties and/or 2 months PITI for a financed primary and second home.

I know, I know, that seems like a lot and some of you still don't qualify. But the good news is things are beginning to loosen up and the brainiacs in D.C are finally realizing that to stabilize home values and get the economy moving again they have to include Real Estate Investors in the equation!

Michael Gross is President of Dividend America Mortgage and is an expert in investment property financing. His vast 20+ years as a builder, appraiser, Realtor, mortgage broker and active investor gives him the knowledge and experience to help anyone seeking a mortgage for the purchase or refinance of any type of real estate. Call Mike at 770-350-7373 or email him today at mgross@dividendamerica.com.

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