Tuesday, May 5, 2009

You Know it is the Bottom When...

In a shocking display of just how bad the foreclosure crisis got in California, a Texas bank decided that it was more cost efficient to destroy 16 brand new homes in a development they took back through foreclosure than to try and finish and sell the homes.

This is true evidence of exactly how far prices have crashed and is the perfect indicator of what happens when a crash begins to reach the bottom. When the decisions like this can be made and are sound business decisions it can be a sign of that things have gotten about as bad as they are ever going to be.

This is called capitulation and it is what many experts have been looking for in order to 'call' a bottom. This is exciting because positive signs after this may be not be false positives. Future positive market activity may be the real thing.

Stay tuned.... Ben Bernanke speaks today, analysis tomorrow.

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