Monday, April 20, 2009

Time to Get Started!

Many of you know that I have a passion for real estate and some of you even complain that I work at it way to much. Well guess what, I've listened to you and I'm turning over a new leaf.

Instead of working at this business day in and day out. Grinding it as my dad used to say... I've started a new venture that will let others 'grind it' with me!

I bet you thought I was going to say I was hanging it up, throwing in the towel or some nonsense like that? LOL

Come join me and learn what me and MY advisers already know. Real estate is the key to real wealth and growing a solid, long-term real estate business leads to true economic freedom.

Our first ever Networking and Education Event is scheduled for the this Saturday, April 25th, 2009 from 11am to 2:30pm. Find out all the details by visiting my site a

We will have nationally recognized speaker, author and real estate experts Andy Heller and Tony Youngs. Come sit down with them in a private 30 minute Q&A. Get up close and personal, it's a once in a life-time chance to get all your questions answered.

We'll have hot dogs and cola and lots of networking. Join in our breakout sessions and learn How to Finance your deals, learn How Important your floors can be in your rehab and visit with Author and Decorating Expert Barbara Heil-Sonnek and learn how to rent or sell your home faster!
Please come, the cost is only $29 at the door for non-members. FREE to members of MARC. If you are not a member of Metro Area Realty Clubs, join the day of the event and attend this event and all of our future events for free.

Please come and join me, this promises to be a day filled with education and networking! It' s a GIANT Cook-Out also, you know how much fun that can be! ;)

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