Monday, July 14, 2008

The Value of Time

Many people are worried about their home values. A recent study shows that home values dropped by 1.7% last month in 43 states. That’s the largest drop in recorded history. So what can you do?

First, don’t panic! Remember that real estate is an illiquid asset. In most cases non-liquid markets tend to stabilize faster than liquid markets. After all, you can make a run on a bank and you can dump a stock, but selling a home is a more drawn out process.

In historical terms, real estate has always been a long-term investment. In the final analysis, the home is much more than an investment; it is also a place of refuge, comfort and security for your family. If you are in a neighborhood with good employment, strong schools and low crime, time will heal the financial wounds inflicted on your home value by this economic downturn.

The value of real estate and the ‘investment’ aspect are a product of time. Most people achieve wealth in a primary residence from two forces that create equity and value. Over many years the market will incrementally increase the value of the home and the owner can pay off the loan on the property. This one-two combo punches up the equity in the home and creates a financial windfall for the owner in the distant future.

Homes that are located in good neighborhoods with positive histories benefit from patience and will be the first to retrieve lost value once the market perceives that the economy is okay again.

Focus on reducing the principal balance on your mortgage and on maintaining the quality of the property and the appearance of the neighborhood as a whole. Banding together with other concerned homeowners to maintain the integrity of the entire neighborhood will insure future value growth.

Patience and persistence are important. In this market the key to the return of your home’s value is time.

If you have specific questions or concerns about your homes value, the interest rate on your mortgage or the impact of an economic downturn on your market, please do not hesitate to call. We are here to help.

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