Monday, July 14, 2008

Summer Time and The Livin’ is Easy!

Okay, so you job is on shaky ground, you can’t afford to put gas in your car to take a vacation and the kids are driving you crazy! You know what that means?

It’s project time. What?!? That’s right, it’s project time. Summer projects are a great way to bring the family together and keep everyone focused. Why not get back to basics with a family project that will make everyone feel great when it’s done.

I remember growing up when there were summers we could not take a vacation. In those years we had projects. One year we put in an above ground pool and another we built a vegetable garden.

The vegetable garden was the project I remember the most. To this day every home I’ve lived in I’ve found a way to build my own garden. It’s hard work in the concrete like Georgia red clay, but the end results are worth it!

Don’t let the summer heat and all the bad news that the media spews get you down. Choose to accomplish something with your family. I guarantee the memories will last a lifetime and the lessons of hard work and togetherness will be invaluable.


For a Summer Garden visit Walter Reeves web site! (He’s Georgia’s Gardner)

Home Remodeling Projects:
Interior Painting:
Exterior Painting:
Decks & Patios:

Have fun! Send us pictures of your project and we’ll post them with our next newsletter……and remember……if you need to refinance to pull a little cash out of your equity to complete a summer project, Dividend America is there with the loan that is right for you!

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