Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Fed Hints - Bernanke's a Numbers Guy

'Bernanke raised the prospect of an end to rate hikes, but also made it clear that a pause in interest-rate increases wouldn't necessarily mean the Federal Reserve was done raising rates.'

I read this today a and my heart leapt. being a mortgage guy, it's tough when rate rise, but there may be an end site.....or not. Bernanke is a numbers guy and I like that. He's taking Greenspsan's theory, mere hypothesis, and turning it into mathematical truism. Just as words mean things, so do trends in numbers and Greenspan was able to guess and feel his way into a pattern that can now be turned into a science. I look for more years of Greenspan sized growth accompanied by controlled inflation at reasonable levels. Greenspan proved that you can have low inflation and low interest rates and that the economy can still grow. He did that without proof. He did it based on his gut that he was right. Now Bernanke gets to take all those years of data, of trial and error and turn it into a proof and a system to run the fed in a semi-predictable and systematic way. The future's so bright I've gotta wear shades!...I hope. :)

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