Friday, January 23, 2009

Paying a Discount Can Set You Free!

I was tooling around the web the other day and I was looking for new strategies to maximize the use of a mortgage. Many of you know that I see the mortgage as a financial tool and I’m always looking for new angles to use this tool!

A mortgage helps an individual employ one of Kiyosaki’s main principles of using OPM, other people’s money. In recent years as the banking and real estate industries have collapsed, it’s getting harder and harder to get a loan and use these principles.

If you search this blog or my web site at ttp:// you will find many articles about how to effectively use a mortgage. Many articles discuss the proper use of a No Closing Cost loan or how to get sellers to pay the closing cost for you with the main theme always being focused on how to minimize your investment in the use of OPM.

You real estate investors understand this terminology and it is music to your ears, but for others who may be new to investing or who may just want to know the best way to get and use a mortgage, these terms are a little foreign. Suffice to say, usually I preach to invest as little in the mortgage as possible in order to get the biggest bang for your buck!

Sometimes that means paying full closing costs to get the absolutely best rates (like in the case when you’ll be in the home for more than 3 years). While other times I say, lower your costs when in the home less than three years and in the case of a purchase, get the seller to pay your cost for you.

Well my research has led me to advise my readers and customers to do something I never thought I would agree with! In this day and time, in this turbulent economy, in this time of record low interest rates, yes… here it goes…. it DOES make sense to pay some discount points to lower your rate.

Hold on now! You must read on. There is a condition to all this….

It makes sense if you believe as I do that this economy will lead to a ‘new’ economy of stagnant growth, tepid value appreciation in real estate and maybe even higher interest rates with some inflation. America is tapped out. We can’t spend anymore and we can’t spend our way out of the current mess.

The strategy we should all use is one that helps us to become debt free. The fastest way to -0- for some people is to refinance their 30-year fixed rate mortgage into a 15-year fixed rate.

I know, many of you instinctively understand that this type of significant change in your mortgage structure will result in a higher payment. But wait! it doesn’t have to.

Here’s where it might make since to buy down the rate by spending some equity on closing cost. The 15-year mortgage includes a higher principle reduction portion with each payment so you’ll recoup the lost equity in a very short period of time.

Think about it this way, if you can change your term from the current 28 years you have left by converting it to a 15 year mortgage and buy down the rate to level that doesn’t significantly change your payment, then why not make the change?

Here’s an example I recently did for a customer. He has 28 years left on a 30 year mortgage and his payment is $1,620 per month. We are refinancing the loan into a 15 year fixed and he’s paying 2 points to lower the rate. The new payment on the 15 year mortgage is $1,665!

The new payment is only $45 per month higher but we shaved 13 years off his mortgage! He just spent $5,570 to create a savings of $245,700 and recoups his current equity position in less than 14 months. That makes a whole lot sense.

My conclusion is that in this economy and the next we all need to be debt free. Spending some equity now in order to create a faster pay off of your mortgage is the best way to achieve a debt free goal!

Michael Gross is the President of Dividend America Mortgage and has been in real estate for over 20 years. He has been a builder, a Realtor, an appraiser, and currently he is a lender and an active real estate investor. He uses all of his experience and knowledge to show individuals how to properly use a mortgage as a tool to help create greater wealth through real estate investing. For more information on residential and small commercial loans please call 770-350-7373 or email

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